Sorcerer King

Sorcerer King cover

 Key Features Sorcerer King Games PC:
++++ The Sorcerer King - This is not a fair fight. Your opponent is more powerful, and his onslaught against the Shards you must protect is unending. Stand up to fight, or appear to submit to his will until the time is right.
++++ Enchanting - Use the unique talents of your chosen sovereign to imbue equipment with magical properties that customize your forces’ capabilities far beyond anything you’ve seen in a fantasy strategy game to date.
++++ Unique Skills - Rather than a shared research path, each sovereign increases their power in unique ways. Building great armies, wielding the Forge of the Overlord, intervening in tactical battles, and even bending the earth to their will.
++++ Adventure - Hundreds of individual hand-written quests litter the landscape, bringing a little humor to the apocalypse thanks to the talents of Cracked writer Chris Bucholz.
++++ Rivals - Remnant factions cling to life in the Sorcerer King’s world, but they cannot hope to defy him alone. Ally with them to gain their unique champion unit and what help they can provide…or wipe them out to claim their land and loot for yourself.
++++ Endgame - Winning requires using all the game’s systems crafting, enchanting, heroes, armies, magic spells, and more  to create a single army strong enough to storm the Sorcerer King’s fortress and prevail in the final battle. 

System Requirements Minimum Sorcerer King Games PC: 
OS: Windows 8.1 / 7 SP1 / Vista SP2 
 Processor: 2.2 GHz Dual Core Processor Memory: 2 GB 
RAM Graphics: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c 
Compliant Video Card DirectX: Version 9.0c 
Network: Broadband Internet connection 
Hard Drive: 5 GB available space 
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card

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